copyblogger ACADEMY

Prices for new members will rise this year. Join now to lock in your lifetime discount.

Create Captivating Content That Wins You Readers and Buyers... Even In The Most Competitive Markets

Our Academy gives you 9 full-length courses, ongoing education, expert Q&A, and content critiques for just $99. That's less than most marketers charge for 1 mediocre product.


(4.91-star average rating from 1,500+ students)

Happy Members

We have 100+ more testimonials further down the page.

But here are a handful of them to get started:

Typical Marketing Courses Suck

Well, not exactly.

Let’s be specific:

  • Some marketing and business courses have good information and deliver a positive ROI.
  • But paying $100-500+ for a few hours of video and some PDFs just doesn’t feel right.

Shouldn’t you get more?

We think so.

That’s why we put together an offer with:

  • 9 courses covering blogging, SEO, personal branding, content writing, copywriting, email marketing, and more. These include over 30 hours of video education.
  • Coaching from our CEO Tim Stoddart, who has used content marketing to build an 8-figure portfolio of businesses, including a $3,000,000 per year agency and Copyblogger.
  • Coaching from Charles Miller, who has amassed 1,000,000 followers and made $10,000,000 for his ghostwriting and personal brand growth clients.
  • The opportunity to create strategic partnerships (social media engagement trading, blog backlink trading, etc) and network with other marketers.
  • A price that’s lower than what most marketers charge for 1 basic course.

We could’ve split this up into 10 courses, released 1 of them, hyped it up like it’s the best thing in the world, sold it for $300, then did that same thing again every 6 months for 5 years.

That would’ve made us the most money.

But principles matter more than money.

We hate the culture around courses as much as you do.

People create a product that’s essentially just a collection of YouTube videos and PDFs for hundreds of dollars. They sell that to you. Then, a year later, they already have a new product and are pushing you to buy that too.

It’s a rotten industry. But at the same time, education is crucial. It can save you so much time of trial and error. It can prevent you from making huge, costly mistakes. It really can change your life. If it’s done right.

That’s why we’re choosing a different path.

“10x the value for the same price” sounds like a corny marketing slogan, but in this case, it’s actually true. Plus, it has so much good info and updates that it might be the last info product you ever buy.

If you like spending $1,000+ per year on mediocre products from sleazy marketers, then go for it.

But if you want something more useful, more affordable, and more ethical, then our Academy is for you.

Here are a few words from Tim and Charles…


Hi. I’m Tim Stoddart. Here’s what I do:

But when I first started, I had no idea what I was doing. I was about 6 months sober at the time, and I was working a job I hated. Then I got fired, and everything got worse.

What saved me was discovering a website called Copyblogger. I became obsessed. I read every article, listened to every podcast, and opened every email.

By applying the lessons I learned from it, I was able to expand my little blog into an 8-figure media empire without spending a single dollar on advertising.

I still remember the first day that I knew my plan was going to work.

I had started Stodzy Internet Marketing, my agency for drug rehab clinics, and was posting valuable blog posts for a while. But nothing was happening.

Then, like magic, the clicks started coming in. People started filling out my contact form. I started having calls with them. I started closing clients and making the kind of money I never dreamed I could make in a year, and that amount was coming in every single month.

That’s the beauty of content marketing. You can start for $0, scale for $0, and turn your little business into something that changes the trajectory of your life.

Eventually, I also bought Copyblogger, the resource that helped me get started in the first place.

How’s that for coming full circle?

Now I’m giving back to people who are where I was a decade ago:

Lost, confused, frustrated, and hoping to find something that changes everything.

That “something” is this community.

I hope you love it.

Now, let me pass this off to my partner…


Hey, Charles here. I’ll be quick...

That’s me in the Lambo that I bought with sweet, sweet content marketing money. I’m joking, obviously. But when Tim asked me to be his partner, I saw how massive the potential was here. That’s because:

Tim and I are the perfect match.

Before I met him, all he cared about was blogging and B2B service businesses. He hated social media, and he couldn’t figure out how to sell products to consumers consistently.

Me? All I cared about was personal branding and social media. I didn’t even have a blog. Though I freelanced, my main concern was selling mid-priced products to consumers.

I’m strong in all the ways he’s weaker, and he’s strong in all the ways I’m weaker.

The community was already great.

But now that I’m a partner, it’s my baby, and I’m gonna make it the best resource on the internet for people who want to get more exposure and make more money with content.

Ready To Join Us?

Then hit that button to learn exactly what we offer…

After that, you’ll be able to check out before prices rise.

The Copy Creator Philosophy

Let’s talk about Copyblogger’s philosophy.

We call it the “Copy Creator” approach.

That’s a mix between:

  • Copywriting, which is ultra-persuasive and makes you money.
  • Content creation, which attracts attention and builds trust.

The issue we see with people in the content world is that they’re too much of one and not enough of the other.

Content creators will figure out how to get traction, but they won’t sell anything. It’ll just be likes, followers, and “thank you’s.” People with 300,000 followers won’t be able to quit their job because they don’t earn enough.

Copywriters will figure out how to sell, but then all they’ll do is pitch, pitch, pitch, and they never reach a scale where they can truly cash out. They don’t get enough attention or clicks to make that happen.

That’s another issue we have with typical marketing courses. They usually only teach you one of these. You pay $100-500, but you don’t get a full education, and your results suffer.

Copyblogger Academy teaches you how to be a Copy Creator.

It has courses and ongoing education on SEO, blogging, social media content creation, social media marketing, and personal branding. Those help you generate high-quality online attention.

It also has courses and ongoing education on copywriting, sales, offer building, client acquisition, and more profit generators. Those help you turn exposure and clicks into cash.

If you have just one of those figured out, you’ll struggle. 

Once you have both, you’ll be unstoppable.

Copyblogger Academy is the fastest and best way to make that happen.

What People Are Saying

The next section is where you learn exactly what you get when you join.

But first, more endorsements:

What You’re Getting


9 Content Marketing Courses With a $3,000 Value


Coaching From Two Top-0.01% Experts

Uh oh. It's another toy Lambo.

We're such gurus. Seriously, though: Tim has built a $5,000,000+ per year portfolio of businesses with SEO. Charles has amassed 1,000,000 followers and made $10,000,000 for his social media ghostwriting and growth clients. We're not two young guys with a few wins getting into education as a cash grab. This is the culmination of 20 years of combined experience and results that almost nobody in this game gets. Tim sells consultations for $1,000 per hour. Charles sells them for $500 per hour. You can get personalized advice from them for a fraction of that cost, and you get everything else that comes in Copyblogger Academy too. Again, we're giving you 10x more than other people in the marketing space, and we're doing it for an even lower price.


Accountability, Strategic Partners, and More

This is a community. Not just a course.

When you buy a course, all you get is information. Then you have to do everything on your own. With a community, you get accountability, valuable connections, potential friends, strategic partners (e.g. people to trade social media engagement or blog backlinks with), content feedback, answers to your questions, and more. This is 10x more valuable than having a video series and a few PDFs, and again, you're getting it for a lower price than most course sellers charge for their forgettable products.

Bonus: Expert Masterclasses

Get these (and more) masterclasses instantly when you join.

Are You Ready To Join Us?

We could sell Copyblogger Academy for $3,000. The courses alone are worth $300+ each.

But we want to help you for less, so we’re offering you access for two low prices.

We'll raise prices this year, but if you join now, you'll keep the same rate for as long as you subscribe.

Pick one, and let's get started...


  • Content Marketing Mastery Course ($300 value)
  • Personal Branding Playbook Course ($500 value)
  • SEO Masterclass Series ($400 value)
  • 10X Copywriting Course ($300 value)
  • Agency Clarity Course ($400 value)
  • Content Marketing Bootcamp ($300 value)
  • Email Marketing Course ($300 value)
  • The Copywriting 10 Course ($300 value)
  • Online Training Business Course ($300 value)
  • Dozens of Masterclass Presentations
  • Expert Q&A With Tim and Charles
  • Open Chat Access For Networking
  • Opportunity To Form Strategic Partnerships
  • VIP Access to Every Event

Frequently Asked Questions

If you have any additional questions, send them to He’ll happily answer them and get you the info you need.

Anyone who wants to learn how to create killer content, get clicks from search engines, get clicks from social media, and turn those clicks into cash and other positive outcomes. It’s usually best for beginners and intermediates, though.

Content writing, copywriting, SEO, personal branding, social media marketing, email marketing, how to build a service business, how to build an info product business, and a lot more.

9 courses on a variety of copywriting and marketing skills, a large library of guest masterclasses, ongoing education from industry experts, Q&A with experts, networking opportunities, strategic partners, accountability groups, and a lot more.

We analyzed the marketing education space and saw a lot of people selling underwhelming products for hundreds of dollars. So, we made ours (literally) 10 times better and lowered the price. You won’t find this kind of value anywhere else.

If business had cheat codes, content marketing would be one of them. That’s because it generates free traffic for you. Showing up on Google results gives you free clicks. Showing up in people’s social media feeds gives you free clicks too. Content lets you start for free, scale for free, and pocket almost every dollar you make along the way.

You can learn content marketing for free. We won’t pretend like you can’t. But if you take that path, it’ll probably take a lot longer. Possibly years longer. Tim and Charles have been doing this for a combined 20 years. Getting their info and direct access to them will cut down the trial and error phase and get you to the earning phase much faster.

If we wanted to earn as much as possible, we’d make a new course, run a huge promotion, hype it up like it’s the best thing in the world, sell it for $300, then repeat that every 6 months for the next 5 years. But we’d rather you get a truly great product. That’s why we made this a community where all the courses are available right away, you can ask experts questions, and you can interact with thousands of other content marketers who might help you too.

We only offer refunds to people who forget to cancel, get charged again, and contact us immediately. For new members, there are no refunds.

Last Thought

You’ve probably heard enough from us already.

So we’ll let our happy members talk for us:

Scroll up and secure your spot inside before prices rise again.