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We're Changing The Personal Branding Game With a New Kind of Program That Delivers Guaranteed Follower Growth and Fast ROI

Most offers like this just educate you in a group. We educate you 1v1 and put your content in front of thousands of people. This isn't a course or cohort. It's a growth engine for marketing, business, leadership, and self-improvement creators. That means instant exposure and fast monetization.

Your growth is 100% guaranteed. As long as you create content, you will grow.

Member Wins

We launched our accelerator last year. Since then, our members have gained over 200,000 followers and earned over $1,000,000 in extra income Much of that was a direct result of our coaching and growth engine.

Here are some of their results…

I won’t give you the 100+ more testimonials we have.

You get the point already.

Now, let’s talk about how we deliver results like these…

"It’s A Big Club, And You Ain’t In It"


If you don’t know me already, here’s a photo. I use this dumb joke picture often because I think that all those marketing gurus flexing cars and watches are so silly.

Let’s get to the important part, though. Almost every big personal brand has the same secret. Most of them desperately don’t want people to know it. I’ll tell you it, but first, here’s what I’ve been up to the last 6 years:

All that brand-building taught me the secret.

Here it is:

It’s a big club, and you ain’t in it.”

George Carlin said that line 20 years ago, and it was so powerful that people say it to this day. 

It applies perfectly to personal branding success.

Of the hundreds of people I know who have built big brands on social media, 100% of them have paid for engagement, traded it with other creators, or both.

Literally 100%.

I won’t name names, but if they have a big following, they do it.

There are almost no exceptions.

That includes me, by the way. My first viral tweet had a paid retweet behind it. My first big LinkedIn post was the result of me asking an influencer I had a relationship with to give it a like and reply.

The problem for rookies is:

  1. Most of them don’t know about these “clubs”, they don’t look for one, and they struggle massively because of it. Building a following without any engagement help is close to impossible.
  2. The ones who do know still struggle because they either don’t have the money to buy engagement from big accounts, or they create a group with a bunch of other small fish who can’t get traction either.

Honestly, it sucks.

I don’t like that you basically need to “pay to play”, but it is what it is.

Don’t get mad about it.

What you should be asking yourself is:

How can I get into a club without spending $3k+ per month doing it?”

Our Personal Brand Accelerator is the answer.

The Copy Creator Philosophy

Let’s talk about Copyblogger’s philosophy.

I call it the “Copy Creator” approach.

That’s a mix between:

  • Copywriting, which is ultra-persuasive and makes you money.
  • Content creation, which attracts attention and builds trust.

The issue I see with people in the content world is that they’re too much of one and not enough of the other.

Content creators will figure out how to get traction, but they won’t sell anything. It’ll just be likes, followers, and “thank you’s.” People with 300,000 followers won’t be able to quit their job because they don’t earn enough.

Copywriters will figure out how to sell, but then all they’ll do is pitch, pitch, pitch, and they never reach a scale where they can truly cash out. They don’t get enough attention or clicks to make that happen.

That’s another issue we have with typical marketing coaching cohorts. They usually only teach you one of these. You pay $100-500, but you don’t get a full education, and your results suffer.

My Personal Brand Accelerator teaches you how to be a Copy Creator.

It has courses and ongoing education on SEO, blogging, social media content creation, social media marketing, and personal branding. Those help you generate high-quality online attention.

It also has courses and ongoing education on copywriting, sales, offer building, client acquisition, and more profit generators. Those help you turn exposure and clicks into cash.

If you have just one of those figured out, you’ll struggle. 

Once you have both, you’ll be unstoppable.

Joining the Accelerator is the fastest way to make that happen.

The Value of Our Accelerator

Let me give you some context.

My main service is ghostwriting and growth for CEOs.

Most of my clients pay around $3k per month.

They get:

  1. Content created for them.
  2. Influencer engagements that amplify that content.

When you join our Accelerator, you get:

  1. Coaching to help you build your brand and create content.
  2. Engagements from large and medium-sized infleuncers (more on this below).

Being in the Accelerator is more work, but the growth potential is the same.

And you get more than 70% off the regular price.

It’s just $625 per month for our standard option.

Our 6-month plan is $1500, which is an even steeper discount.

High-ticket groups like this are hot right now.

But I’ve sat in on a few of them, and none of them delivered.

Most cost $1.5k+ per month, and you barely get any 1:1 attention.

Our group gives you more for less.

Most importantly, it gives you tangible value.

The engagements will put your content in front of buyers – guaranteed.

It’s not a hypothetical.

It’s not “do X, Y, and Z, and you should see results”.

It’s an undeniable reality: 

You will get more attention than you were before, and you can turn that attention into cash.

What You’re Getting


Engagements from two large accounts that expose
your content to thousands more people every week


Get Engagement & Exposure On Every Post

When you buy a course or join a cohort, all you get is information. In our accelerator, you also get exposed to thousands of people every single day. That means you're not buying dreams and strategies. You're buying something tangible and useful: exposure to a high-quality audience. I know a lot of influencers my size who sell this for $1500 per month. You get it for just $625, and you also get...


A personal brand audit from Charles Miller (300,000 total followers)
+ ongoing consulting, content critiques, and exclusive strategy videos

Become the Top Prority of a Top-Tier Creator. Instantly.

I charge $400 an hour for consultations, but when you join the Accelerator, you get an initial audit and one question or post critique every week. It's such a good deal that I'm thinking about raising prices right as I'm typing this, but for now, I won't. We emphasize the tangible value you get in this group, but the education is arguably just as useful. I once gave a member one simple tip, and he used it to land $4000 in monthly recurring revenue. Which means he 8xed his investment in a matter of weeks. Education makes the engagements go farther and sets you up for success long past the time you leave our group.


Access to 9 courses (personal branding, SEO, email marketing, agency
building, etc) and a community of marketers in Copyblogger Academy

Get an Elite Marketing Education

When I joined Copyblogger as a partner, I saw a problem. The information it was putting out was great, but the brand didn't seem to believe in anything. We thought about it, and we came up with this: we believe that internet marketers sell mediocre products for ridiculous prices, and we owe it to people to build offers that are 10x better while also being cheaper. The Accelerator is that. But when you join, you also get membership to Copyblogger Academy, which has 9 courses and tons of guest masterclass presentations. When you're not going viral, you can educate yourself too.

Why Personal Branding?

Let’s take a step back.

The first year of my career, I wrote blog posts for pennies per word, and when I wasn’t writing, I was hustling to get clients to hire me. It was horribly hard work. I made about $20,000 the entire year.

Now that I have a personal brand, clients come to me, customers come to me, and with an email list that’s on pace to hit 100,000 subscribers next year, I’m basically set for life.

One of my clients got 35 $3k a month clients in the year we worked together. His retention rate was high, and he ended up selling his agency for 7 figures.

I have dozens of client stories like that. The startup founder who sold his SaaS for millions, the professional who raised her salary by 50% after a post got her an interview and a new job, etc.

Their personal brands were essential in all those stories.

Building one for yourself is the ultimate long-term move.

It’s not like a company, where you sell it eventually.

It’s a launchpad for every entrepreneurial and professional goal you have.

You can build businesses from it.

You can get jobs from it.

You can connect with powerful people.

Do the work once, reap the benefits for a lifetime.


Everybody who sells education talks about return on investment.

“Close one client, and you’ll get your money back!”

The problem is that there’s a big gap between cause and effect.

Education needs to lead to action. Action usually needs to be consistent for months. Then, you might get a result, but you might not. Nothing is guaranteed.

Our Accelerator isn’t like that.

We give you a uniquely good chance at getting fast ROI because we’re putting your content in front of people.

Most online businesses use some kind of paid advertising.

This group gives you targeted advertising that feels organic and tends to generate high-quality leads.

There’s no huge gap between education and payoff here.

It’s a tiny gap.

You create content, we help you with it, and we put it in front of buyers.

It happens fast.

There’s a good chance you’ll get a client or a few customers within 30 days.

That’s what makes our Accelerator special.

Now, you have your chance to join it…

Let's Get You Growing

If we priced this like our competition does, it'd be $1500+ per month.

But you're getting it for just $625, and your rate will never go up.

We also have a 6-month plan that saves you even more on fees.

Either way, this deal is incredible, but prices will rise soon.

Pick one, and let's get started...


  • Engagements From Tim and Charles
  • Engagements From Other Group Members
  • Thousands More Impressions Per Month
  • Personal Brand Audit From Charles
  • Getting Your Top Questions Answered
  • Getting Your Content Critiqued and Improved
  • Exclusive High-ROI Educational Videos
  • Networking With Other Serious Creators
  • 9 Content Marketing Courses
  • Expert Masterclass Presentations


$3750/six months
  • Engagements From Tim and Charles
  • Engagements From Other Group Members
  • Thousands More Impressions Per Month
  • Personal Brand Audit From Charles
  • Getting Your Top Questions Answered
  • Getting Your Content Critiqued and Improved
  • Exclusive High-ROI Educational Videos
  • Networking With Other Serious Creators
  • 9 Content Marketing Courses
  • Expert Masterclass Presentations

Frequently Asked Questions

If you have any additional questions, send them to He’ll happily answer them and get you the info you need.

Anyone who creates content in somewhat broad niches like marketing, business, leadership, copywriting, or self-improvement. You’ll get better ROI if you have a service to sell.

Anyone who has a narrow niche. We work with people who talk about marketing, copywriting, ghostwriting, self-improvement, leadership, and business. For example, if you’re a real estate agent or are in medical sales, this isn’t for you. Your desired audience needs to be close to ours.

LinkedIn is the primary platform. That’s where engagements go farthest. We’ll also give you X engagements, but those will have less impact.

No. Our engagements are more than worth the price. If you want to also get content critiques and connect with other serious creators, those are just bonuses.

We don’t just educate you. We also give you direct growth assistance, and we do it for a lot cheaper than typical influencer marketing. This gives you a much more direct and likely path to positive ROI.

Content writing, copywriting, social media marketing, email marketing, networking, and every other skill you need to thrive as a personal brand. 

You will have an Academy plan and an Accelerator plan. Feel free to cancel the Academy one when you join. If you don’t, you’ll get charged for both.

Yes. You can join monthly and see if you like the program, then get the biannual plan after that. Just send a message to Charles asking for it.

We only offer refunds to people who forget to cancel, get charged again, and contact us immediately. For new members, there are no refunds.

Log into the community on desktop, click on your profile photo in the top right corner, go to the billing page, and cancel your subscription. You can also contact Charles and ask him to do it for you.

Still Not Sure?

You’ve probably heard enough from me already.

So I’ll people we’ve worked with talk for us:

Remember, this program only has open enrollment for a few days.

If you wait too long, you’ll miss out. Scroll up and claim your spot.